The act of creation

Why We Need To Be Creating As Much As Possible

Creations Everywhere

I believe that creation and being human go hand in hand. Look at the world around you—everything was once a creation! Take the lights in your room, for example. In 1802, Humphry Davy created the first electric light. It was basically a battery, a piece of carbon, and some wires. When it was all put together, it glowed. Now, let’s jump ahead 77 years. Thomas Edison and his team started experimenting with different materials to create a more useful rendition of the light bulb. They tried 5,000 different ways to make it work—finally, they cracked it!

How Important Creation Is To Humanity

The very idea of creation is in our genes. Many religions include a creator. Take Christianity, for example: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Long ago, humans likely took solace in the fact that they themselves are a creation. Most religions have some form of creation story. No matter what took place in each example, there was a fundamental need to have creation included in the major belief systems.

Religion isn’t the only place we see this. Let’s look at science. I’d argue that the whole discipline of science is based around creation and the explanation of creation. The Big Bang Theory was born from a deeply rooted need to explain how everything was created. Chemistry exists because someone once thought, “What materials are we made from?”

Why You Need To Be Creating

Each time I produce something with my hands, I feel connected to my ancestors. I become, in a sense, like the gods, creating something. Whether it’s something worthy of creation is a whole different story—but the more you create, the better your creations will become.

Don’t put too much emphasis on the medium. A creation is a creation; it doesn’t matter what you’re creating. I feel that a lack of creation makes the world a very stale place. It becomes a stagnant pool of ideas. You think about the same things day in and day out, relying on others to fulfill your need for creation—basically doom scrolling. We could take it even further and call it “doom living.” People living just to survive, not to thrive. If you’re not living to create a better tomorrow for yourself, what’s the point?

It Doesn’t Have To Be Hard

Your creation doesn’t have to be a masterpiece, although today’s world would certainly suggest it does. If you’re afraid to create, you’ve likely been spending too much time looking at what the algorithm wants you to see. Your creation doesn’t have to be big, it doesn’t have to take years, and it doesn’t even have to be good.

Make something for yourself. Don’t worry about the likes or the comments. Ask yourself, “Do I like what I’ve done?” If you do, great! If not, figure out why and try again. Practice makes perfect—but remember, perfection is an illusion sold to you by imperfect people.

Make sure your creation brings you some form of joy. There’s no sense in creating something you don’t enjoy. Sometimes the act of creating might be difficult, but the final result brings satisfaction. Other times, people just really enjoy the act of creating. Pick one and run with it—there’s no correct answer.

So, what are you going to create this week? Leave it in the comments.

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